martes, mayo 17, 2011
lunes, mayo 16, 2011

More info here: http://www.sacredmachine.com/
May 13 - July 31, 2011
Opening Reception: Friday, May 13, 2011, 7:00 p.m. - Midnight
Special Musical Guests: Jonathan Sumner, Philip Shiozaki, King Bowser
Sacred Machine
245 E. Congress Street Suite 123
Tucson, AZ 85701
The Finest World Renowned Artists come together to celebrate all things Sacred
Participating Artists:
Mark Ryden (Los Angeles) Chris Mars (Minneapolis) Daniel Martin Diaz (Tucson) Craig LaRotonda (Buffalo) Bryan Cunningham (Los Angeles) Norbert Kox (Wisconsin) P-Jay Fidler (Los Angeles) Robert Palacios (Los Angeles) Paul Barnes (Scotland, UK) Joel Nakamura (Santa Fe) Sergio Mora (Spain) Pol Turgeon (Montreal, CA) Fred Stonehouse (Milwaukee) Jennybird Alcatara (San Francisco) Jon MacNair (Michigan) Raudiel Sañudo (Mexico) Michael Page (San Francisco) Elizabeth Frank (Tucson) Scott Holloway (Massachusetts) Matthew Couper (New Zealand) Alex Garcia (Los Angeles) Jarrod Eastman (Montana) Philip Felix (Tucson) Christopher Umana (Los Angeles)

This is my painting:"Albero de nadie"

Saturday, May 14th, 2011, 7:00 p.m - 2 a.m.
Join Gabriel Sullivan and The Taraf de Tucson, The Jons, Brian Lopez, Blind Divine, Ensphere, and Dead Western Plains
for an epic night of music and drama
The Historic Rialto Theatre, Tucson AZ - Tickets: $8, All Ages Show
Upcoming Events at Sacred Machine:
Beyond The Sacred Music & Arts Festival, May 13 & 14
2nd Saturday: May 14, 4:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
2nd Saturday: June 11, 4:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
2nd Saturday: July 9, 4:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Blind Divine Shows:
Beyond The Sacred Music & Arts Festival, The Historic Rialto Theatre, Tucson, AZ
May 14, 7:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. All Ages Show, $8
Daniel Martin Diaz Exhibition Schedule:
Pop Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 2011
La Halle St Pierre Museum, Paris, France, September 12, 2011 - March 4, 2012
Gallerie Toxic, Luxembourg, September 16 - November 12, 2011
La Luz de Jesus, Los Angeles, December 2- 31, 2011
A special thanks to our sponsors for their generous support, KXCI, Zócalo Magazine, Hollis Graphics, Sino Tequila, Barrio Brewery, BK Carne Asada and Sonoran Style Hot Dogs, Mysticus Publishing, and The Historic Rialto Theatre.
viernes, mayo 13, 2011
martes, mayo 10, 2011
martes, mayo 03, 2011

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